Fields marked with an * are required

    Tell us about your project...

    What services may we assist you with? *


    Have you decided What EVSE (charging station) you are purchasing? *

    If so, which one? (JuiceBox, Chargepoint, Tesla, etc.)

    What manufacture and model EV are you purchasing? *

    FOR TESLA OWNERS: Type of charger? *

    Your desired timeline for completion of the installation. *

    (When will you be taking delivery of the car?)

    When facing the front of your home, where is your electrical meter *

    (Left side, right side, rear, etc.)

    When facing house, where is your electrical panel *

    (Left side basement, right side garage, basement rear, etc.)

    Is your basement finished? *


    Are there any unused breaker slots (spares) in your electric panel? *


    Tell us about you...

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Phone *

    Email *

    Address *

    State *

    City *

    Zip *


    Picture of all electrical panels with the door open *

    Picture of the wall that the electrical panel is mounted to *

    Picture of the mounting location for the charger *

    Overview shot of basement ceiling (unless panel is in garage, then ignore this one)

    Overview shot of garage or carport *

    Shot of the electrical meter standing 15 feet back so we can see the surrounding wall *

    Any other picture you may think we need to see

    If you have the ability to draw a very simple floorplan

    How did you hear about us? *

    Having problems submitting the estimate form request?

    Submitting the form request can take up to a minute – once submitted, you should see a little green box that indicates the submission was successful. If still having issues, see below.

    Download the document below [HPE Quote request].
    Fill out the information and attach the requested pictures.
    Send it via email to